Want to become a fair vendor?
We have many wonderful vendors who bring such a large variety of products, food & services to our grounds. Many of our vendors have websites or Facebook pages. We would like to encourage you to visit their pages, shops, website and check out their products & services.
Independent Midway spaces are limited, and will be given on a first come first serve basis. Vendor spaces will be available after May 1 for NEW vendors!
Please contact Cushing Amusements at: https://www.cushingamusements.com/ or call them at 844-428-7446.
Exhibition Hall – Our main exhibition hall.
Starbird Building – Located in the middle of the fair grounds.
Beano Building - Located between the pulling ring and exhibition hall.
Each rental space inside is 10’x10’ and will be provided upon a combination of first-come first serve basis and distributing vendors. If you have a preference on a space, we will certainly work with you to accommodate that, but it is not a guarantee. We appreciate your loyalty and will always give great consideration to those that booked with us the previous year.
Vendor spaces within our halls will be available after May 1 for NEW vendors!
Click on the link below for more information for each location.